Handy Windows 11 debloat tool turns out to be Trojan

If you’ve downloaded Windows Toolbox from GitHub, bad news: Turns out, it’s a Trojan that’s been quietly messing with your PC. Given the plethora of positive utilities the Toolbox serves, it may come as a shock that it’s actually a vehicle for malware that’ll redirect your URLs, hit you with unsavory Chrome extensions, and more. […]

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Xenomorph is the latest banking malware discovered in Play Store apps

The open-source nature of the Android ecosystem is very fruitful for both the developers and the users. However, this open-source nature has often been an issue for security. It lets hackers get a bit more creative in creating different malware. Infected apps are removed from the Play Store on a regular basis. Now, Threat Fabric has […]

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Près de 100 000 nouvelles souches de trojan bancaires mobiles détectées en 2021

Les chercheurs ont identifié près de 100 000 nouvelles variantes de chevaux de Troie bancaires mobiles en un an seulement. Notre vie numérique étant de plus en plus centrée sur les smartphones plutôt que sur les PC de bureau, de nombreux développeurs de logiciels malveillants se concentrent sur la création de logiciels malveillants mobiles. publicité […]

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