iPhone 13 Pro Gold : -355 € de réduction sur ce smartphone Apple haut de gamme

Craquez pour le modèle 13 Pro 1 To en version gold du smartphone Apple. Ce téléphone intelligent et haut de gamme fait l’objet d’une offre exceptionnelle sur Cdiscount à saisir de toute urgence. Profitez d’une offre exceptionnelle sur l’iPhone 13 Pro en version Gold avec une généreuse capacité de stockage de 1 To, actuellement en promotion […]

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L’iPad 9 dès 355 € au lieu de 439 € (-19%) – Consomac

We use cookies and data to Deliver and maintain Google services Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to Develop […]

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Samsung has a $355 billion investment plan for chip supremacy, other emerging tech

Samsung has announced that it will spend around KRW 450 trillion (around $355 billion) on semiconductor and biopharmaceutical segments over the next five years. The company will also invest in next-generation technologies to stay ahead of its competitors. The South Korean tech chaebol has increased its investment by 30% compared to its previous five-year plan of […]

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