Gboard now supports handwriting input in text fields on Pixel and Galaxy tablets

Google’s Gboard keyboard can now be used for handwriting input in text fields on Pixel and Samsung Galaxy tablets. Previously, the Galaxy tablets could do this as well, but you had to use the Samsung keyboard. Now you can use Gboard instead. The Write in text fields help screen The new feature, which was spotted […]

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Gboard now offers writing in text fields using S Pen on Galaxy tablets

Samsung devices have offered the ability to write directly on the text field using an S Pen. However, the feature was limited to the Samsung Keyboard app, which needed to be used if you wanted to write on the text field. Now, even Gboard has started supporting such a handwriting feature. Gboard app gains Samsung […]

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La médaille Fields pour Hugo Duminil-Copin, mathématicien probabiliste de 36 ans et « percolateur » universel – Le Monde

Hugo Duminil-Copin, à l’Institut des hautes études scientifiques, à Bures-sur-Yvette (Essonne), en avril 2017.  MARIE-CLAUDE VERGNE/IHES Et de treize. L’école de mathématiques française vient à nouveau d’être récompensée, mardi 5 juillet, par une médaille Fields, une distinction attribuée, tous les quatre ans, depuis 1936, lors du Congrès international des mathématiciens, pour des progrès dans la […]

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