Cybertruck : une fois démontée, sa batterie dévoile un secret bien gardé

Suite à une analyse détaillée du Cybertruck de Tesla, un élément surprenant a été mis au jour. Son pack de batteries est à moitié vide. Ce détail révèle une facette inattendue de ce véhicule électrique, qui sur le papier, est révolutionnaire. Le Cybertruck de Tesla, avec son allure futuriste, a toujours promis de redéfinir les […]

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The secret behind the Windows 11 Copilot key is that it isn’t a new key at all

What you need to know Future PCs will feature a Copilot key that opens the AI assistant on Windows 11. Microsoft requires a computer to have a dedicated Copilot key to be defined as an AI PC. It was recently discovered that the Copilot key isn’t a new key, but that it instead relies on […]

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Écran pliable : le secret de l’iPad pour ridiculiser la concurrence – Presse-citron

We use cookies and data to Deliver and maintain Google services Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to Develop […]

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Employees spill some secret changes coming in a future Microsoft Store update

What you need to know Microsoft began testing a new version of the Microsoft Store among Canary and Dev Channel Insiders. The updated Microsoft Store loads product pages quicker, shows the buy button after a shorter wait time, and can launch without showing the splash screen in most situations. Microsoft did not list all of […]

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SpaceX construirait en secret un réseau de satellites espions pour les services de renseignement

En plus de Starlink, sa constellation de satellites qui offrent un accès à Internet depuis l’espace, SpaceX travaillerait également sur un tout autre projet bien plus secret : un réseau de satellites espions pour le gouvernement. Source : Starlink SpaceX serait en train de construire un vaste réseau de satellites espions pour le National Reconnaissance Office […]

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The ludicrous clearance sale on Surface Laptop Go 2 is over, but here’s a nice alternative from Microsoft’s SECRET store

Recent updates March 19, 2024 at 8:40 AM: The clearance deal once available through Best Buy now appears as “unavailable nearby” for many people. There’s a chance that the deal may be in stock in some locations, but it seems that for many users the sale is no longer available. I’ve added details for a […]

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Spider-Man 2 : ce menu secret peut vous faire finir le jeu en quelques secondes

Insomniac vient de déployer une nouveauté sur son titre phare Spider-Man 2, qui pourrait s’avérer très utile pour certains joueurs, mais assez embêtante pour d’autres. On vous explique. Spider-Man 2, la suite du jeu Spider-Man d’Insomniac, a reçu une nouvelle mise à jour qui ajoute des fonctionnalités intéressantes. La mise à jour, version 1.002.000, a […]

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La nouvelle Tesla Model 3 a un secret pour rendre les trajets plus confortables

Lancée en novembre 2023, la nouvelle version de la Tesla Model 3 embarque de nombreuses améliorations. Et sur ce point, la berline électrique n’avait pas révélé tous ses secrets. Comme vous le savez probablement, Tesla a officiellement présenté en novembre 2023 une toute nouvelle version de la Model 3, sa berline électrique phare. Répondant au […]

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Apple to Settle Trade Secret Lawsuit With SoC Startup Rivos

Apple has reached an agreement with Rivos, the SoC company that it sued in 2022 for theft of trade secrets, reports Bloomberg. Rivos will submit to a forensic examination of its systems to remove any confidential Apple information. Rivos hired more than 40 employees from Apple, including several former high-ranking engineers, leading Apple to file […]

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Le projet secret d’une voiture électrique abordable d’un ex-dirigeant de Tesla

Chez Ford, depuis deux ans, l’équipe d’un ancien haut responsable de Tesla développe en secret un petit véhicule électrique qui se veut performant et abordable afin de positionner la marque face à l’arrivée d’une Tesla bon marché et à la concurrence chinoise. Cela vous intéressera aussi [EN VIDÉO] Voiture électrique versus voiture thermique : le […]

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Meet Palworld’s secret unreleased Mewtwo-like Pal, the “Dark Mutant”

What you need to know A Palworld player has discovered an unused Pal called the “Dark Mutant” hidden in the game’s files. The Pal’s a Dark-type, and is coded to have the Level 3 Handiwork, Level 3 Medicine Production, and Level 2 Transporting work skills. A Paldex entry for it was also found, with the […]

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Un méchant bug fait son retour sur les Pixel, Garmin supprime en secret une option sur ses montres, c’est le récap’

Un bug revient s’incruster sur les Pixel de Google, Garmin fait une mauvaise surprise aux utilisateurs de ses montres connectées, Google Maps vous évite les mauvaises surprises au restaurant, c’est le récap ! Depuis quelques jours, le monde de jeu vidéo est secoué par Palworld. Un titre qui fait fureur à peine sorti, mais au […]

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Samsung succeeded in keeping Galaxy Ring a secret

Samsung unveiled three new phones at the Galaxy Unpacked 2024 event last night. While people were expecting the South Korean firm to unveil or at least tease its upcoming XR headset, the company surprised everyone by teasing its upcoming fitness tracking ring, the Galaxy Ring. Galaxy Ring was a well-kept secret inside Samsung Samsung is […]

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The best kept Xbox Game Pass secret of 2023 may be this Swedish folklore horror gem

The end of 2023 is nigh, and I decided I had time for at least one more game completion before Dec. 31 closed the year off. This would be game #50 for 2023, actually, and it ended up being a surprise gem in a year of absolutely fantastic game releases. Even better, it’s on Xbox […]

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Forza Horizon 5 ‘Winter Wonderland’ brings back Secret Santa and adds 23 new cars (including from Fast and Furious)

A new month, a new Forza Horizon 5 update. Everyone’s favorite open-world racing game is celebrating the holidays with its latest content update, which is now rolling out to players across Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows PC, and the various Xbox Game Pass services. Dubbed “Winter Wonderland,” the update brings new and returning features, […]

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WhatsApp : Protégez vos conversations avec un code secret

Image : WhatsApp. Si vous souhaitez vous assurer que certaines conversations restent entre vous et l’expéditeur, WhatsApp vient d’ajouter une fonctionnalité pour vous y aider. Jusqu’à maintenant, quiconque avait accès à votre téléphone déverrouillé avait accès à l’ensemble de vos conservations WhatsApp. Mais désormais, grâce à l’option code secret, vos discussions privées resteront privées. Jeudi dernier, […]

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WhatsApp’s Secret Code for Chat Lock lets you hide your locked chats from the chat list

WhatsApp rolled out the Chat Lock feature in May to let users lock their chats with their device password or biometric, like a fingerprint. These locked chats are hidden behind a “Locked chats” folder that appears in the chat list. Hence, WhatsApp has announced a new feature called Secret Code for Chat Lock to provide […]

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WhatsApp’s secret code feature for locking chats rolling out to all

WhatsApp is getting a new security feature on all platforms starting today. Over the past few weeks, Meta has been testing the option to lock chats behind a secret code on the beta versions of the app for Android and iOS for select users. That option will start rolling out to the masses today and […]

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WhatsApp’s secret code feature for locking chats rolling out to all

WhatsApp is getting a new security feature on all platforms starting today. Over the past few weeks, Meta has been testing the option to lock chats behind a secret code on the beta versions of the app for Android and iOS for select users. That option will start rolling out to the masses today and […]

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$900 OFF a Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra?! The best phone since Windows Phone died is available for trade-in at a truly absurd price with this secret trick.

Black Friday is gone, but Cyber Monday is forever. Or well, at least for a couple of days. But fear not, the deals are still coming in thick and fast for a few days, and we’re back with one for those who want a seriously powerful new phone.  The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is available […]

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