How to restrict access to desktop apps on Windows 11

On Windows 11, you can block virtually any traditional desktop application, and in this guide, you will learn two ways to complete this task. Although users need access to applications, they only need access to some of them. For example, usually, they don’t need access to tools like Command Prompt, PowerShell, or the Registry since […]

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How to restrict access to Registry on Windows 11

On Windows 11, it’s possible to disable access to the Registry, and in this guide, you will learn two ways to complete this task. The Registry is a hierarchical database that stores configuration settings for the operating system, hardware, and installed applications, and since the slightest mistake can cause irreversible damage, it’s never a good […]

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How to restrict bandwidth for updates on Windows 11

On Windows 11, the system can automatically control and optimize the bandwidth for downloads and uploads of updates, Microsoft Store apps, and other products to ensure they don’t affect your online experience. The caveat with the approach is that Windows 11 is unaware of any network activity outside the computer. As a result, other devices […]

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