Google Maps ajoute enfin la dernière fonctionnalité culte de Waze qui lui manquait !

Les utilisateurs de Google Maps pourront désormais profiter d’un des principaux atouts de Waze : les données de sa communauté de conducteurs. Un petit nombre d’utilisateurs sur Reddit a signalé avoir aperçu des alertes d’incidents, une fonctionnalité qui ne semble pas encore disponible pour tout le monde. GoogleGoogle Maps pourrait bientôt devenir l’applicationapplication préférée des conducteurs. […]

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Reddit CEO Suggests Some Subreddits Could Be Paywalled

Social network Reddit could monetize by tucking some subreddits behind paywalls, Reddit CEO Steve Huffman suggested during the company’s Tuesday earnings call (via Engadget). Huffman said that Reddit plans to “unlock the door” for subreddits that could have “exclusive content or private areas.” I think the existing, altruistic, free version of Reddit will continue to […]

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Google and Reddit expand partnership, will bring easier navigation to the platform

Reddit is notoriously known for having a bad search engine, and for years everyone preferred to use Google Search, instead of the platform’s own. Today, the platform revealed that this will not change, but rather the partnership with Google will expand. Google will gain access to the network’s Data API, and in return, content and […]

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Reddit is reportedly in the middle of a licensing deal worth “about $60 million on an annualized basis,” which could potentially allow an anonymous and large AI company to train its models using content from subreddits

What you need to know An emerging report indicates that Reddit is in the middle of a megadeal with an unnamed large AI company worth $60 million yearly. The deal could potentially allow the company to use the content from Reddit to train its AI models.  More details about the deal, the company’s identity, and […]

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PSA: Reddit is Forcing Users to Accept Personalized Ads

Reddit this week announced that it will no longer allow Reddit users to opt out of ad personalization, which means that ads on the platform will be targeted based on site usage. Right now, users can choose to toggle off an option to “personalize ads based on your Reddit activity and account info,” but this […]

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Vous pouvez désormais gagner de l’argent sur Reddit. Voici comment

Reddit supprime son programme actuel de récompenses et le remplace par un nouveau système de votes via un Programme des contributeurs, qui permet à certains utilisateurs, y compris les modérateurs, de gagner de l’argent. Le nouveau système propose aux utilisateurs six options d’achat pour attribuer des récompenses aux messages et aux commentaires. Si le destinataire […]

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Reddit iOS App Consuming Significant Data and Battery: Potential Fixes

Reddit is a popular social media network for finding answers to all kinds of topics. You can also use the app to learn more about the different programs and tools you use, along with discovering people that have similar interests to you. Related Reading: You can use Reddit on both your smartphone and computer, along […]

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Reddit : le PDG se fait insulter de tous les côtés dans la nouvelle édition de la Pixel War

La nouvelle édition de la Pixel War a pris un tournant inattendu sur Reddit. Alors que la plateforme traverse actuellement une vague de protestation de la part des utilisateurs, certains ont jugé bon de profiter de l’événement pour faire part de leur mécontentement. Le tout, avec un sens de la formule pour le moins direct. […]

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Popular Reddit App Apollo Shutting Down After Today, Pixel Pals Migration Feature Added

Popular third-party Reddit app Apollo is set to shut down after today as Reddit will be implementing its paid API changes tomorrow. Apollo’s shuttering was announced earlier in June after developer Christian Selig was unable to work out a deal with Reddit to keep the app functional. Reddit as of tomorrow will be charging third-party […]

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Apollo Now Offers Option to Decline Refund Ahead of June 30 Shutdown

Popular third-party Reddit app Apollo was updated today with an option for users to decline a refund for their remaining subscription time. Users who do not exercise this option will automatically receive a pro-rated refund. “If you’ve been happy with the service I’ve provided over the years, please consider declining the refund as they are […]

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Microsoft Edge is about to go dark, but not in the same way as Reddit

What you need to know Microsoft is testing a darker user interface in its Edge browser. The refreshed dark mode has a full black background for the favorites bar, toolbar, sidebar, and other parts of Edge. Since the darker dark mode is part of a controlled rollout, you may not see it yet, even if […]

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Hackers Threaten to Release Reddit Data Unless API Changes Are Rolled Back

A ransomware group that hacked into Reddit’s servers back in February is threatening to release stolen data if Reddit does not walk back its planned API changes, reports Bleeping Computer (via The Verge). At the time of the hack, no one took credit, but ransomware group BlackCat yesterday said that it was responsible. 80GB of […]

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Reddit a subi une attaque sur ses serveurs, les hackers menacent de divulguer 80 Go de données

Reddit a été victime d’une intrusion en février dernier. Le groupe responsable de cette attaque réclame le paiement d’une forte rançon et l’annulation de le retour à la gratuité de l’accès à l’API du site. Crédit : 123rf Reddit, le site Web qui se classait au 10e rang des sites les plus visités au monde […]

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Reddit ferme la plus grosse communauté de pirates de jeux Nintendo Switch

En fin de semaine dernière, le plus gros subreddit dédié au piratage de jeux Nintendo Switch a disparu de la plateforme. En 3 ans d’existence, r/NewYuzuPiracy a attiré pas moins de 70 000 membres, qui discutaient ouvertement des meilleurs moyens d’obtenir les titres Nintendo gratuitement. On s’attend à ce qu’un successeur surgisse rapidement. Crédits : Unsplash Décidément, la situation […]

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Reddit Threatens to Remove Moderators From Subreddits Continuing Apollo-Related Blackouts

As some subreddits continue blackouts to protest Reddit’s plans to charge high prices for its API, Reddit has informed the moderators of those subreddits that it has plans to replace resistant moderation teams to keep spaces “open and accessible to users.” In a comment shared by r/Apple moderator @aaronp613, Reddit cited its Moderator Code of […]

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Reddit CEO: Apollo-Related Subreddit Blackouts ‘Will Pass,’ No Significant Revenue Impact So Far

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman on Monday told Reddit employees that he is unconcerned about current protests over the company’s sudden API changes. In a letter shared by The Verge, Huffman said that while there’s a “lot of noise” right now, it “will pass.” He also said that Reddit “has not seen any significant revenue impact […]

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Reddit : plus de 7 000 subreddits ferment pour protester contre les modifications de l’API de Reddit

Reddit a récemment annoncé des modifications de son programme d’interface de programmation d’applications (API), notamment de nouveaux frais pour les tiers qui accèdent aux outils et aux données de l’entreprise. Une mesure censée encadrer l’accès par les IA a son précieux corpus en ligne. Mais cela a un autre conséquence : Cette mesure entraînera la […]

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Reddit Blackout protest explained: Why are subreddits going private?

What you need to know Reddit, a popular news aggregation and discussion site with over 50 million daily active users, is “going dark,” with most of its subreddit communities choosing to enter private mode. Users are doing this to protest upcoming Reddit API price increases that will make it impossible for third-party app and bot […]

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Reddit Blackout darkens popular Windows and Microsoft subreddits

What you need to know A massive group of subreddits are protesting Reddit by ‘going dark’ for at least 48 hours. Multiple Microsoft and Windows-focused subreddits are shut down temporarily as part of the Reddit Blackout. The protests are in response to Reddit increasing the cost of accessing its APIs, which has widespread effects on […]

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Apple Subreddit Goes Dark in Protest of Reddit’s API Pricing Changes

Apple-related subreddit /r/apple has gone dark in protest of Reddit’s upcoming API pricing changes affecting third-party Reddit apps. The subreddit is now private, meaning that users can no longer view or submit posts, and the moderators behind the community said it will remain that way for the next 48 hours, or potentially longer if necessary. […]

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