IA générative, NLP, Computer Vision…Publicis dope ses compétences IA

Publicis Sapient AI Labs est né en 2020 d’une collaboration. Trois ans plus tard, la co-entreprise de R&D fondée par Publicis, Elder Research et Tquila, rejoint donc le giron de la multinationale française de la communication. Le groupe a annoncé l’opération, pour un montant qui demeure confidentiel. Avec cette intégration, Publicis entend renforcer ses services […]

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The Future of Natural Language Processing is Bright

Natural language processing (NLP) denotes the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to manipulate written or spoken languages. Like the air we breathe, NLP is so pervasive today that we hardly notice it. When you use Alexa, you are conversing with an NLP machine; when you type into your chatbot or search, NLP technology comes to […]

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What is GPT-3 and Why Does it Matter?

The recent hype surrounding Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3), the new artificial intelligence (AI) based natural language processing (NLP) model, is worth observing, particularly from the enterprise front. Both keen observation and casual look-see applied to this latest language model that generates human-like written content are worth your time and effort. It can also show […]

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