Le chantier colossal des Etats généraux de l’information est enfin lancé – Le Monde

We use cookies and data to Deliver and maintain Google services Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to Develop […]

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Loi de programmation militaire : un budget colossal mais des choix drastiques – Le Monde

Discours du président de la République, Emmanuel Macron, à l’occasion des vœux aux forces armées, sur la base aérienne de Mont-de-Marsan (Landes), le 20 janvier 2023. BOB EDME / AP C’est par un chiffre massue énoncé d’une voix grave que le chef de l’Etat, Emmanuel Macron, a choisi de répondre, vendredi 20 janvier, depuis la base […]

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New Elden Ring glitch makes colossal weapons unstoppable in PvP

What you need to know Players have discovered a new Elden Ring glitch following the recent arrival of the Colosseum Update. The glitch allows players to perform insanely fast crouch poke attacks with any weapon, including colossal weapons that are supposed to have their high damage offset by slow speed. All players have to do […]

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