Samsung to showcase innovative projects developed through its C-Lab at CES 2023

In an official newsroom post, Samsung announced that it will showcase innovative projects at CES 2023 developed by its C-Lab startups. Samsung will display four projects from the C-Lab inside (in-house venture program) and eight exciting projects from its C-Lab Outside (startup acceleration program).
From January 5 to 8, visitors can come and take a look at the innovative projects backed by Samsung at Eureka Park in Las Vegas, USA. Samsung hopes that its C-Lab startups will be able to engage a global audience and also secure meetings with potential investors at CES 2023.
The latest projects by C-Lab startups at CES 2023 are evaluated in terms of innovation, marketability, and completeness and picked up among the already fostered in-house startups. The selected Samsung C-Lab Inside startups include Meta-Running (metaverse learning platform), Porkamix (metaverse interactive concert experience), Soom (meditation experience with real-time feedback), and Falette (3D digital transformation for home fabric products).
Speaking of the selected Samsung C-Lab Outside startups, there are projects showcasing robots, AI, and more. Startups enrolled in the C-Lab Outside received efficient support from Samsung for office workspaces, expert mentoring, digital marketing, and financial consulting. Incubators like the Daegu Center and the Gyeong-Buk Center were incubating the C-Lab Outside startups.
C-Lab Outside startups include NdotLight (web-based 3D design solution), NEUBILITY (robotic delivery service), 40FY (digital mental health care app service), CELLICO (micro-bionic eye for patients with retinal disease), Plask (AI and browser-based motion capture and animation editing tool), Wrn Technologies (Generative AI-based writing and content creation service), Catius (conversational AI companion for children), and Erangtek (IoT micro repeater to improve call quality).
C-Lab startups have been pretty successful, as, in November 2022, the CTA (Consumer Technology Association) awarded 22 Innovation Awards to C-Lab startups in 2022 and seven more in 2023.