Office Insiders can now review selected text in Word on Windows 10

Reviewing a specific part of a Word document just got easier for Office Insiders. A new feature recently rolled out that allows you to review selected text in Microsoft Word for Windows. The option is available for Office 365 subscribers in the Current Channel (Preview) version 2103 (Build 13929.20216) or later.

Microsoft Editor allows you to review a Word document for spelling and grammar. If you’ve already reviewed the rest of a document and want to just check a portion of it, you normally have to manually skip to that part of the document. With the new option to proof selected text, you can highlight any content, right-click, and select “Review selection in Editor.”

Review Selected Text Word

Source: Microsoft
Microsoft’s program manager on the Word team, Shruthi Ramesh, explains the feature fully in an Insider blog post.

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Ramesh highlights that features roll out over time, so you might not see the option yet, even if you’re on the Current Channel.

The change is based on feedback Microsoft received through UserVoice. The feedback is quite old, dating all the way back to November 2018. It received a relatively small number of votes, so it may not have been flagged as a high priority by Microsoft. In any event, the feature is rolling out now to Insiders and hopefully will make its way through Insider channels and out to general release.

Our guide on how to enroll in the Office Insider program can help you out if you aren’t an Insider yet.

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