Microsoft Autofill will help ease the burden of password creation
Source: Daniel Rubino / Windows Central
Making and maintaining passwords is the worst, isn’t it? Sometimes they need to have a bizarre mix of symbols and capital letters, or be 32 characters long, or have some other eccentricity that makes them borderline impossible to create and remember. And if you fail to sign in enough times, then you end up in a situation akin to that one time Dunkey had to deal with CAPTCHA. You want to avoid that situation, as well as all password headaches, and Microsoft knows it; that’s why it’s introducing Autofill for its Authenticator app.
Source: Microsoft
Autofill is available right now. It’s a new tool in Authenticator that will save you the trouble of creating a password by making one for you. It will make the password, remember the password, type it for you, sync it across devices so you don’t have to futz with signing in anywhere… it will essentially replace you, the human being. You will become irrelevant to your own login details.
The Autofill generation feature is comprehensive and lets you adjust parameters such as your password’s length, as well as whether it’ll have letters, numbers, and/or special characters.
And in case you want Microsoft in control of even more of your password activities, don’t forget Edge Canary’s been testing an “autosave passwords by default” option.
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