IoT App Development: IoT Expectation VS Reality
There is a saying that every coin has a flip side. The same is true for the Internet of Things (IoT). It has come a long way, and people are expecting much from it. Besides, the business world is imagining that all-round improvement not only in the IT field and data operations but also in the economy is possible via IoT.
It is a tall order and experts are not amused with it. Why so? It is because they have seen how a new technology comes with great potential, achieve success initially, and then with few setbacks, fail to show up. However, they also know that there are other technologies like IoT that struggle during their starting phase but with time, develop a cult among the businessmen.
One can’t guarantee success for every new technology, and no one can ignore it. However with much hype created around IoT app development, one is curious to find out the comparison with what one expects from it. Moreover, they want to know how in reality it comes out to be in front of the business world.
In the given blog, we will analyze various expectations that one assumes from IoT application development and whether they come out to be real or not. Let’s venture more into it.
IoT: Expectation VS Reality
Expectation #1: Survival of IoT is Slim in Future
Reality: In recent times, IoT app solution is facing numerous set of issues with security concerns being major ones. Moreover, many professionals have raised a cautionary note on the potential of the given technology. What’s more, Cisco conducted a survey that revealed that one-third of the IoT-based accomplished projects met with failure. So, such a high disaster rate has compelled many IoT application development companies to close their business.
What does the given fact indicate? It shows that after a devastating performance from IoT during its initial phase, many experts believe that its days are gone. Does the given status suggest reality? No, one has to see the other side also!
Despite initial failure, IoT is still in the race. If you don’t believe, then see the latest facts provided by Statista states that the IoT app solution market has achieved more than 450 billion US$ in 2020. Also, as per the IDC report, spending on the IoT among leading businesses will be around $1.2T in 2022.
What such facts reveal? It shows that despite some saying IoT a troublemaking tech system, it is promoting automation to improve communication between different mediums successfully. Thus considering the future of IoT, it will remain in the sight of business for coming years.
Expectation #2: New Technology comes with Extensive Training for Workers
Reality: No one can deny that the arrival of every new technology requires offering training to staff to makes them accustomed to it. Even IoT requires human involvement because it’s a machine that lacks emotions and intelligence. To overcome them, humans have to come together to ensure their successful working via extensive training sessions.
But if you think that IoT works only with humans with no automation, then here is a twist!
Though the involvement of the workforce in managing IoT is true but not fully as imparting training to understand the track model is essential to improve their working. Nonetheless, the main objective of designing IoT is to rescue workers from doing repetitive procedures. It is done by allowing automation to perform machine-to-machine communication. IoT helps workers to avoid doing the same work again and again and instead, focus on doing work that requires innovation.
Though the given technology requires human-machine engagement, yet automation will be there to eliminate repetitive task that takes a toll on the life of the staff.
Expectation #3: Privacy and Security are Key Barriers to IoT
Reality: It is a world-wide fact that anything connected using internet devices faces issues related to data privacy and security. When you prepare to connect a machine with other devices, then be ready to face cyber-attacks not only from devices but also from the transmitted data.
Initially, IoT has to face various security issues that affected its credibility. So, deploying an IoT system still requires proper maintenance to keep the data, devices, and machines away from online intruders.
The present world is digitalized one where the main priority is given to security. Fortunately, there has been an increased level of awareness about digital technology among people. It has made IoT developers give more priority to its security aspects. Furthermore, IoT devices have evolved and successfully deal with all kinds of vulnerability nowadays.
But there is a point of caution: IoT still requires some high-level robust solution to secure the devices from every point of view: data management, architecture, and interconnection of the network.
Thus, one can say that despite the presence of firewalls and security devices, IoT still requires managing its safety aspects, and in reality, it has to go a little long way to achieve it.
Expectation #4: Widespread use of IoT will Increase Rate of Unemployment
Reality: There is a widespread misconception about IoT that it will increase automation in the industry that will, in turn, cost thousands of workers to lose their jobs. Though revolution occurring due to Industry 4.0 (more for automation and robotics) will make some jobs obsolete, but people will render jobless is false.
The fear of loss of job due to IoT is deceitful propaganda spread by those people who resist changes in industries. Jobs related to administration (& white-collar) will indeed become outdated in the future. Nevertheless, the job demand will grow, especially concerning financial operations, business management, computer roles, and many more.
Apart from it, what will matter the most is a skill! Yes, jobs will not disappear. It will be offered to those that have the caliber to learn new skills for IoT. Then it will make them opt for more bright prospects. Therefore, the learning skills will be in demand to tame IoT devices most appropriately!
Expectation #5: IoT is Only about Electronics and Nothing Else
Reality: The given expectation is somewhat correct among experts as IoT is a combination (software+ hardware) to form an inter-connected atmosphere to make swift communication. But the truth is more than that. It calls for a total shift towards a revolutionary environment that comprises embedded devices, real-time analytics, wireless system, and sensors.
In addition, there are certain things needed for the smooth functioning of IoT devices, such as a good storage backup, fast transmission medium to transport info between devices, and many more. The given technology is much sought for two reasons; reducing the operational cost and speed-up product delivery.
What’s more, apart from the IT sector, IoT is increasing its footprint in retail, healthcare, asset, and energy management, supply chain, and many others. Thus, instead of focusing only on the electrical part, IoT service providers must focus on its perfect implementation to recharge their business in serving their clients in the best possible manner.
IoT is a new high-tech device that is more than an automation procedure and focuses on increasing efficiency. It still has the potential to change the way businesses work across the global digital platform. However, there are several issues, such as security that need some improvements. If implemented on time, it will make business procedures work smoothly with IoT. That’s it!