How to quickly turn your Synology NAS into a web server

Synology DS220jSource: Rich Edmonds / Windows Central

Did you know you can host a website on a Synology NAS enclosure? Not only are you able to use the best NAS for home for storing files and running a media server, but you can also host a blog, website, or even an internal family portal. This quick guide will showcase just how easy it is to get up and running.

How to host a website on Synology NAS

Synology makes it really simple to host a website on your NAS enclosure running DSM 7.0. All you need to do is run Web Station and you’re good to go.

  1. Connect to your Synology NAS.
  2. Open Package Center.
  3. Download and install the following packages:
    • Web Station
    • Apache HTTP Server 2.4
    • PHP 7.4
  4. Make sure the http group has sufficient permissions on the website root folder.
  5. Go to Control Panel > Security > Firewall and configure firewall rules (allow 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS).
  6. Go to Control Panel > External Access > Router Configuration and configure port forwarding.
  7. Go to Web Station > Web Service Portal and select Default server.

    Synology DSM 7 Web Station Service

    Source: Windows Central

  8. Click Edit.
  9. Choose the HTTP and PHP profiles.

    Synology DSM 7 Web Station Service Settings

    Source: Windows Central

  10. Change Script Language Settings to PHP and select the profile.
  11. Click Edit.

    Synology DSM 7 Web Station Script Extensions

    Source: Windows Central

  12. Select all the checkboxes on the Extensions tab.
  13. Click Save.

You’re done! Place some files into the designated website folder and they should now be viewable using your favorite browser to load the IP address.

Why NAS website hosting may not be for you

I wouldn’t recommend hosting a website on your Synology NAS unless:

  • You have a good and reliable internet connection;
  • Your Synology NAS isn’t being used for anything else;
  • And you know how to troubleshoot website hosting-related problems.

The primary issue with hosting your own website from home (on a NAS or some other connected device) is the potential for downtime through power outages or unreliable internet. Even the best connections can go down for some unforeseen problem and the same goes for your electricity supply. This would render your website offline.

A Synology NAS enclosure is fantastic for many tasks, but running more than one intensive process on the same server can cause issues when a process requires considerable levels of performance. If you’re running a website on your Synology NAS and a process requires files to be indexed, you may experience sluggish performance.

Lastly, hosting a website on your Synology NAS is as DIY as you can get. You won’t have a helpful support team at hand for assistance like you would with most website hosts out there. If you have no problem running your own sites, I’d recommend picking up the Synology DiskStation DS220+ and a Seagate IronWolf HDD.

Synology DS220+

Synology DiskStation DS220+

The DiskStation DS220+ is a well-positioned NAS with an attractive price and plenty of performance.

Seagate Ironwolf

Seagate IronWolf HDD

The Seagate IronWolf series of hard drives are perfect for NAS use and would make for compelling website storage.

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