GDC Summer goes all-digital due to continued coronavirus outbreak
GDC 2020 was originally postponed back in March due to the coronavirus outbreak, but was repurposed into a smaller event called GDC Summer. The company revealed Thursday that the event, which was originally scheduled to be an in-person event, will be all-digital from August 4-6, 2020.
According to the post on the official website:
As so many game developers embrace remote working arrangements and online collaboration, we’re inspired to adapt and deliver GDC in a digital format that will be available to everyone with an internet connection, and will work hard to deliver the high-quality content and networking opportunities GDC attendees have come to expect.
The move is unsurprising considering many events have moved online due to the coronavirus outbreak. GDC 2020 itself in a last-minute move switched to an online event where many speakers that were set to give talks were able to present. The GDC and IGF Awards, along with Day of the Devs, were also streamed online.
California, where GDC is set every year, is still keeping things closed while taking account of the outbreak. Governor Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday that he will order all beaches and state parks closed to curb crowding. So unlike other states that are working on reopening, California is remaining closed for the forseeable future.
It’s unclear though what GDC Summer will look like, although it’s likely it’ll be similar to the GDC 2020 event with talks and other streams available online. There are still questions as to whether this’ll cost money to access and whether GDC will be implementing networking sessions, which have become a huge part of why GDC is so popular among developers and other industry professionals. GDC promises that it’ll have more details soon.