Destiny 2: Shadowkeep launches on Xbox One and PC
Destiny 2 is a first-person shooter from Bungie that is still incredibly popular after all this time. The game just got another expansion called Shadowkeep, which promises to make the title even better. Just like the original game, you’re tasked with exploring the Moon and taking out a new threat.
As is the case with every online game nowadays, Destiny 2 is currently experiencing some connectivity issues. It seems like a lot of people are trying to play the game at once on Xbox One, so you’ll have to wait a while to log in. However, once you’re in the game, you’ll frequently encounter error messages while the title connects to the service. Hopefully, Bungie will fix these problems in the coming hours because this isn’t what gamers expected at launch.
Even if you haven’t purchased Shadowkeep, you’ll have to download the massive update because the expansion is being added to the existing file. You can purchase Shadowkeep through the Microsoft Store for $35. Hopefully, it’ll provide a meaningful story because before Forsaken, the last major expansion, everything was quite bland.
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