Apex Legends Season 4 begins in February, adds new character
In preparation for the game’s first anniversary since its launch, Respawn held a development livestream for Apex Legends. Aside from serving as a retrospective on the popular battle royale, we also got our first glimpse at Apex Legends Season 4, which is set to add a new character and much more.
Players will be able to wield a new weapon as well. The Sentinel is a powerful bolt-action sniper rifle that’s capable of cutting through enemy armor. The developers didn’t want to give too much away, but they did say that this sniper rifle is a little different from others in the game because it has some sort of charge mechanic.
The Season 4 Battle Pass includes over 100 exclusive items like Legendary skins, Apex Packs, Loading Screens, Music Packs, and more.
Season 4
Apex Legends
A new Legend is joining the fun
Apex Legends Season 4 is soon to begin on February 4. If you’ve taken a bit of a break from the game, now’s the time to jump back in with all of the new content on its first anniversary.