2K Games pulls its titles from NVIDIA GeForce Now

If you’ve been hoping some big publishers would continue to have their games on NVIDIA’s GeForce Now streaming service, well, this isn’t the time to keep hoping. Today, NVIDIA announced on the GeForce Now forums that 2K Games has requested its titles be removed from the service.
“Per publisher request, please be advised 2K Games titles will be removed from GeForce NOW today,” the statement reads. “We are working with 2K Games to re-enable their games in the future.”
This follows a long list of other removals, as Activision Blizzard has pulled all of its games, The Long Dark has been removed and Bethesda Softworks has pulled every game except for Wolfenstein: Youngblood. By contrast, CD Projekt Red has confirmed that Cyberpunk 2077 will support the service on day one.